What's new

We regularly add new features for free so you're never left behind by your competitors

Users can pay every month, 3 months or 6 months

Multiple subscription periods

Instead of only having a single monthly fee choice you can now pay either every month, 3 months or 6 months.

Paypal or stripe

The two most popular internet payments are paypal and stripe. You have the choice of usinge both or either.

Easily use your own theme

A designers joy

Designers only need to use CSS, HTML and JS to create their own themes. No need to worry about messing around with server side code.

API powered services

If your developers ever need to add something they don't need to figure out any HTML etc. the APIs are completly separate.

Themes are stored separately

Themes are now stored in an separate folder, so you can develop on one theme while still using another.

You can now use multiple languages

Target multilingual nationalities

We've added functionallity for you to use multiple language and completely tanslate the platform frontend. You can now easliy upload you own .po files.

Users preferences

Users prefered language are stored in a cookie for later access. Members can even search by language preference to find their perfect matching partner.